Talking to Dead People Bootcamp


This is a safe, fun, and active way to awaken a new aspect of your practice, clear energy, and have deeper levels of spirit-to-spirit communication. You will learn how to safely communicate with and heal those who have passed over by setting your space in a unique way and opening up other psychic spaces such as mediumship, telepathy and clairaudience.

This is not a class on theory, you will actively communicate with those who have passed. You will learn to safely set up your space to open and end a reading properly, discern ‘who’s who’, give a healing to loved ones and learn work with animals who have passed as well.

We will cover all of this and more over six-hours of classes over two-days. This is offered once a year with Shannon and is available to graduates of the year-long Clairvoyant Training.

Classes are held live via Zoom and students are asked to join from a quiet, indoor space, comfortably seated in a chair. (Please, no logging in from your car or the café.)

*Prerequisites: Year-long Clairvoyant Training (at Clairity School or a similar type of program).

Saturday, February 24th
10:00 - 12:00 p.m PST
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. PST

Sunday, February 25th
10:00 - 12:00 p.m. PST
with Shannon