Chakra Spin Workshop


In this workshop we’ll be using music and meditation to clear energy in the 1st chakra. This energy center within you is where you hold information around safety, security and survival. When that gets out of whack, it can create fear and instability in our lives.

With loads of amusement, rhythm and psychic tools we will be clearing out other peoples pictures and energy to make room for your truth in the present time around creating safety. There may be sweat and laughs as this class is geared to get you pumped as you would in a physical cycling class. Only the cycling will be within your space within the chakra!

We will go deep into the chakra with the energy of fun and freedom that music brings the body! Music after all is the language of spirit!

Tools and concepts include: How to work with music to change energy in your space, clearing pictures and programming in your 1st chakra that are limits to your ability feel safe in your body in this lifetime.

This 90-minute workshop is offered by Sheyla and is open to any student who has previously completed Energy Essentials.

Classes are held live via Zoom and students are asked to join from a quiet, indoor space, comfortably seated in a chair. (Please, no logging in from your car or the café.)

Prerequisite: Energy Essentials

Class session details

Saturday Morning
9:30-11:00am PST
May 20, 2023
w/Sheyla Enroll