Women’s Intuition & Healing


Learn to reconnect with and tap into your own powerful female energy and intuition as a creative healing force so you can overcome unconscious judgements, nurture yourself, and attract what you want in this lifetime.

Tools and concepts include: taking charge of your female energy, creating a female grounding, healing and replenishing your female body, clearing energetic judgments, working with energy receptivity & manifestation, clearing the unconscious energy of female guilt & responsibility, and more.

This 2-hour online class (includes a 10-minute break) is offered several times throughout the year with various Clairity School teachers. It is open to any student who has previously completed Energy Essentials Level 1.

Classes are held live via Zoom and students are asked to join from a quiet, indoor space, comfortably seated in a chair. (Please, no logging in from your car or the café.)

Prerequisite: Energy Essentials 1

Class session details

Wednesday nights
6:00-7:30 p.m.
November 6th-December 4th
W/Zoe Enroll